It’s been almost two years now since I left High School, I guess I’m missing a lot of people. It’s strange, usually when someone’s gone from your life you mourn and have a eulogy spoken at a small gathering in remembrance, after which, some dust is scattered and you reflect on what you would’ve said to that one person if they were still with you. But instead of this we have celebrations and ceremonies for entire graduating classes. I think it’s kinda sad.
"The passive master lent his hand, to the vast Soul which o'er him planned."It isn’t, however, like all of the people you know instantly “die off” after the grad rituals…it’s more like a slow burn that occurs after the fact, after school is over with completely. It’s more like your entire graduating class slowly departs, their existence (as you know it) gradually slipping away, never giving you that chance to say something that’s of worth. Some go sooner than others, and some hold on, they stay in touch for as along as possible and cling to their relationships like a person to life on their death bed. But I guess there’s nothing wrong with moving on…you have to…it’s like coping with loss through death. And it’s for this that I hate photos. Forgetting the little things is what makes moving on so doable. Gawking at a photograph only does what I don’t want to do: fixate on the dead.-Ralph Waldo Emerson's Gravestone
All dug out,