Monday, May 30, 2005

Toil & Trouble

I think The Blair Witch Project was a film that the majority of the public completely wrote off thanks in part to over the top hype and zany spoofs…I don’t think people actually gave it a chance. When I experienced it I had no expectations and zero preconceptions…I went into that movie believing it was real…which added an entirely unnerving element to the whole thing.
"In October of 1994, three student film makers disappeared in the woods near Burkittesville, Maryland while shooting a documentaryOne year later, their footage was found."
-The Blair Witch Project, Plot Outline
I saw it for the first time in theaters, and at the time, I didn’t know there was a director, and a script, and that the three people losing their minds were actors. As far as I knew, I was watching a frighteningly real documentation of three real people lost in the woods, about to die in the night by means of unknown forces. This movie had what makes for a great camp fire story…that being, the scariest part about any ghost story altogether: wondering whether or not it actually happened…wondering if it could ever happen. The Blair Witch Project scared me something fierce, and I just wish more people could have shared that experience prior to all of that hype hootenanny.


Sunday, May 22, 2005

Devoid of Explanation

So is dirt eternal, or what? I mean, where did all of this dirt come fromdirt attributed to that “Big Bang”, attributed to the creation of our world, to the creation of all humanity? And just how did we arrive at this place in time? By a total and utterly unbelievable amount of luck? I believe in an everlasting God. Where did God come from? I’m more interested in where all that dirt came from. I have a problem with science…and not just because it’s an establishment bent on dismembering my every principle…but because it’s an establishment unrelentingly unable to admit to the fact that something’s cannot be known…and as crazy as it may sound…we are extremely limited as to what we can empirically discover about ourselves and this universe; extremely limited all thanks to our five senses…thusly, we cannot know everything. Modern science is truly arrogant; lacking in the ability to admit just how indefinite scientific theory is.


Thursday, May 19, 2005


Well, nothing much to say these days. It’s kind of a nice break to not have to think about anything. Although, my lack of cognition has produced some odd side effects, like restlessness…which means I need to find some serious occupational preoccupation…posthaste. Yup. Soooooo…the weather’s been pretty good as of late. Yeah, gotta love weather. I have to say, I definitely missed that sunI mean the moon’s O.K. too, but it gets its own glory every autumn with that harvest moon and all…so I think it’s only fair that we acknowledge the sun during these summer months. Hmmm, yes, that'll doprobably the best thoughts I can muster for the time being.

Fried out of my brain,

Saturday, May 07, 2005


"You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body."
-C. S. Lewis
You know, if you sit still and rest quietly enough you not only hear your own heartbeat, you feel it too. It’s strange. Yet, if you really think about it, you should know the feeling your own heartbeat; your heart, after all, rests deep within the core of your torso. You’d feel anything else that deep, yet most of the time, you manage to somehow overlook your hearts’ sensations…with all of its beats going unnoticed, and to some degree, unappreciated. I mean, you never think twice about your heart’s subtle work, that is, until you experience something that causes your blood to race, and suddenly, its beats are all you can hear, its pulse all you can feel, and its ever active presence is unveiled. The times in which your heart pounds its hardest are the times in which you know its purpose the most; like when you’re near the one you love or fearing for your life (if there’s even a difference between the two). Whatever the case may be...for a brief instant, you know the feeling of your own heartbeat, and possibly, what it means to be a living being.
