I should be sleeping right now…but I can’t. It’s not especially late or anything, I just need to try and rest since I have to get up so early tomorrow. I think there must be three kinds of insomnia…insomnia of the heart (when you’re in love), the mind (when you’re thought filled), and the body (when you’re just not tired). I’m guessing tonight is all about insomnia of the mind. I want to sleep…but why sleep when I could do something utterly unproductive, like document my thoughts and classifications of insomnia? I guess there could be a fourth class…not wanting to sleep just because you don’t want to…insomnia of the will. Of course, somniphobia and hypnophobia, the fear of sleep, cannot be ruled out of this matter. And speaking of irrational fears…you know what’s nuts? Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear long words…now isn’t that just plain cruel? If a person has a fear of long words how could a psychologist possibly tell them they have hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia without completely freaking them out of their mind? What a terrible name for such a disorder. That’d be like referring to arachnophobia as “thairza-masiv-spydur-on-yurface-O-phobia”. Just doesn’t make sense. I really should be sleeping right now.
Now I lay me down to sleep...