Tonight I realized that I had never listened to her speak in such depth before. She told me everything. And maybe I’m completely selfish...but I secretly hoped that I might’ve been the source of all that happiness and anticipation in her voice. I sat and pondered; and in the midst of our conversation a moment was taken to reflect upon the years in which I had known her…I mused…it was amazing how familiar her face had become within that time…amazing how memorable her words and mannerisms seemed now. I had never figured her out…I only knew her the best I could…and now even that familiarity seems stricken from me. She’s grown into someone new and I see that now, and I’m more proud of her than I’ve ever been. She’s beautiful and intelligent, and most of all, convicted in her principles. She’s always becoming someone different…someone better...and that's why she’s the girl I can never truly know.
Best wishes,