Saaay, you know what we’re missing these days? Some decent catch phrases! Where’d they all go? The world certainly seems a darker place without those familiar and catchy slogans lighting the way. The only phrases I recall noticing in recent times are half-baked ones like Juicy Fruit’s “Sweeeeeeet” or McDonald’s “I’m Lovin' It”. Here’s to hoping for more “Do you feel lucky? Well…do ya, punk?!” and “They’re grrrrrreat” caliber catch phrases. “Keep your paint dry” was a catch phrase I thought of when I was younger; I don’t know what it means exactly…but I stumbled upon it recently…written in an old book I have. And I’d like to think that my writing ability has improved since then…but the change doesn’t seem all that significant. It’s actually been a year now since I started writing on Blogger…and I’ve blogged my brains out…and in the end…you kind of feel like you’ve accomplished something. There are times when I should be doing something else of some importance…maybe it’s homework…or maybe it’s work-work...but the fact is, I can’t get my mind around what I’m doing, until I write what I’m doing, and get my head around where I’m going…in doing any of these things in life. You get a real sense of satisfaction seeing what you think fill a void other than the inside of your skull; and if I can bleed out these ideas for years to come…I will be satisfied.
Catch ya on the flip side,