Sunday, February 25, 2007

An Aged Mentality

When I speak to others my age I'm intrigued...intrigued by how different I can feel from my peers. I'm 121-years-old give-or-take...not in experience, mind you, but in mentality. I have this newly emerging need to experience the though "old age" is soon to lay claim to my life. My desire to know the world is not the atypical "searching" that occurs in many at my they backpack across Europe for a few months...hit-up some new dope...or shack-up with random partners, all in an attempt to "find" one's self. As a man on his metaphorical death bed, I can tell you that worldly distractions are of no interest to me...but rather, my interests lie in learning all I can about life...while I still have time. This old age mentality makes exploring the world a pressing haste.

Now, I've attempted to explain this notion of mine on various occasions...and most cohorts fail to recognize my meaning of "searching" the world. Some will undoubtedly spout words of affirmation in response to my recognition that "life's too short"...but they do so for their own reasons...because to many, "youth" is an excellent excuse for whittling away time in "experiences" experiences...stupid-pointless-drunken experiences...since all is fair game when you're young...the "boys will be boys" defense. I'm not that person...I never was. Besides, I need no more excuses than I already have. I don't want to wander aimlessly, drink myself stupid, and migrate senselessly between shallow relationships...I want to escape the stigmas of youth...I want to gain knowledge...real world knowledge...the kind no one knows until they've seen it with their own eyes or felt it within them.


Monday, February 12, 2007

The Cold/Calculating Logic of Life

Lets suppose there's no purpose to life...why do the rules of reality exist? Why are there laws in thermodynamics...chemistry...biology...and all nature in general? Don't things seem all too perfect to be haphazard? There's an eerie logic at work in the balance of existence...within our bodies, ecosystems, and solar system. There's a cruel logic to the nature of life and death: we all live...we all die. Is that not reason enough to think that this logic extends into some purpose for life itself?

Just think: we are ruled by rules...natural law. Beyond the societal laws and moral ethics we've incurred...we are ruled by baser laws. So why ask "how does one hunger?", when you can wonder, "why do we hunger?". We should question the true origin of these tendencies. Our bodies tell us: you must sleep, eat, drink, must at all costs avert death...your genetic code must survive. Any evolutionist will tell you that these notions are as a result of man being steeped in millions of years of hard knocks. But I think one should look beyond the existence of the Earth itself...look back to that "Big Bang" and ask, "In the very beginning of it all...what determined these rules?".

How did this logic come out of nothingness? All people - scientists or otherwise - must admit: things are just too well thought out. Surrrre, we can figure out these laws (that's empiricism at its finest), but are we any closer to knowing why these rules govern us? Why we exist? Why we must survive? Let's stop asking "how?"...let's start asking "why?". I say until science offers a reason as to the "why"...all scientific discovery should be taken at its face value - a detailed road map of the world...void of half-decent directions.
