An insatiable urge to write.
If you make the Lord your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter, no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your dwelling. For He orders his angels to protect you wherever you go. They hold you with their hands to keep you from striking your foot on a stone. You will trample down lions and poisonous snakes; you will crush fierce lions and serpents under your feet!
The Lord says, “I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue them and honor them. I will satisfy them with a long life and give them my salvation.”
Today was an important day for me, both in past remembrance of those I love, and in future revelation of what I’m to become. I attribute all meaning I’ve ever had in my life to the great works God has had in me; I only pray that I can repay Him through undying faith and unmovable loyalty.
What is yesterday tomorrow and was tomorrow yesterday? It’s today. Today is just yesterday tomorrow…today is just tomorrow yesterday. Lately I’ve been trying to think of how I can overcomplicate the simple things in life. For example, instead of simply saying “I love you”, I’ll say, “I only lie to those I love, and frankly, I hate you”, which of course would be a lie, and thus, I love them dearly. It’s my attempt to bring some sort balance to my life. Insane? Yes. But come on people, I’m tired and cloudy.
Maybe I’m unromantic in thinking this, but I never really thought love would be the answer to: “What’s going to make me happy in this life?” Aristophanes (an ancient Greek comedian/philosopher) figured that man and woman were once joined together as one spectacular being…so spectacular that the gods themselves felt threatened by these beings and decided to split them in two…two fragments, two genders…man and woman…which is why we seek our other half, so that we may feel “whole” again…united as one being. Crazy, hey? I thought so; since it doesn’t seem to reflect how I feel about the whole “love” thing. Yet, it seems to be what the entire planet wants to believe; and maybe I want to believe it too. But I can’t allow myself to think something so reckless. All be it, it would be a simple answer to everything if it were true.
"Love is simply the name for the desire and the pursuit of the whole." -Aristophanes, 450-385 BC
Imagine if all you had to do is fall in love with another person to feel whole. With that logic I should be the most wholly complete person on the planet! I fall in love and my brain falls out of my skull. I’ve got to love smarter. I’ve got to recite this religiously: the answers to my questions do not lie in any person, no matter how much I love them. It’s self-centered to think that my own romantic satisfaction grants me a greater understanding of this world around me and the people within it.
I’ve discovered that the line between friendly and creepy is uncomfortably thin.
I don't know if actually reading a tally on your expected years to live (avg. age 77) is depressing or impressive. I’d like to think it's neither…seeing how, in the end, all the numbers could be wrong…it might be over in 2005 for all I know. “Like a thief in the night”, right? Well, whatever this means…it makes me think.
BORN in 1985 A.D.,
1986 = 1yrs old, 1987 = 2, 1988 = 3, 1989 = 4, 1990 = 5, 1991 = 6, 1992 = 7, 1993 = 8, 1994 = 9, 1995 = 10, 1996 = 11, 1997 = 12, 1998 = 13, 1999 = 14, 2000 = 15, 2001= 16, 2002 = 17, 2003 = 18, 2004 = 19, 2005 = 20, 2006 = 21, 2007 = 22, 2008 = 23, 2009 = 24, 2010 = 25, 2011 = 26, 2012 = 27, 2013 = 28, 2014 = 29, 2015 = 30, 2016 = 31, 2017 = 32, 2018 = 33, 2019 = 34, 2020 = 35, 2021 = 36, 2022 = 37, 2023 = 38, 2024 = 39, 2025 = 40, 2026 = 41, 2027 = 42, 2028 = 43, 2029 = 44, 2030 = 45, 2031 = 46, 2032 = 47, 2033 = 48, 2034 = 49, 2035 = 50, 2036 = 51, 2037 = 52, 2038 = 53, 2039 = 54, 2040 = 55, 2041 = 56, 2042 = 57, 2043 = 58, 2044 = 59, 2045 = 60, 2046 = 61, 2047 = 62, 2048 = 63, 2049 = 64, 2050 = 65, 2051 = 66, 2052 = 67, 2053 = 68, 2054 = 69, 2055 = 70, 2056 = 71, 2057 = 72, 2058 = 73, 2059 = 74, 2060 = 75, 2061 = 76,
DEAD by 2062 A.D. = 77
BR80 (1985 - 2062)
Some think if a murderer kills...they themselves deserve to die. Some feel if one loses the capacity to think, to breathe, to beat their own heart, they should die. Many feel if a pregnancy occurs, a legitimate course of action is one of ceasing the formation of life. Some think if a thief steals they deserve to die. Some feel if one is mentally handicapped, unable to reason, to understand, they should die. Some might agree...if a genetic defect, such as having only nine fingers, is found in an unborn child...it's formation of life should be ended...it should die. To me, what’s most frightening about these ethical issues and practices is not the practices themselves, but the question of who makes the final decision on who is to be worthy of life. I don’t care if you're pro-choice or all for euthanasia, you still have to admit…it could all go completely the other way…I mean, maybe someday it’ll be O.K. to kill someone with a mental disorder, which…as disturbing as it may seem…seems to be the path we’re heading down (and the path we've already gone)…because it all depends on who’s in charge, on who sets the criteria. "I am prepared to die, but there is no cause for which I am prepared to kill."
So all of you “pro-everything” people be conscious of the fact that whatever issue your fighting for today could be taken to the extreme tomorrow. And I imagine in the future the reasons they’ll think of and the criteria they’ll devise are endless in terms of who deserves to live and who deserves to die…yet I'll never see them as reasons, but only as excuses. Killing and the cessation of developing life are inexcusable by my books. And perhaps those that agree with me will never be heard for what the underlying truth is…that being: humanity is in no position to determine who deserves the right of life...not now, not ever.
I saw it for the first time in theaters, and at the time, I didn’t know there was a director, and a script, and that the three people losing their minds were actors. As far as I knew, I was watching a frighteningly real documentation of three real people lost in the woods, about to die in the night by means of unknown forces. This movie had what makes for a great camp fire story…that being, the scariest part about any ghost story altogether: wondering whether or not it actually happened…wondering if it could ever happen. The Blair Witch Project scared me something fierce, and I just wish more people could have shared that experience prior to all of that hype hootenanny."In October of 1994, three student film makers disappeared in the woods near Burkittesville, Maryland while shooting a documentary…One year later, their footage was found."-The Blair Witch Project, Plot Outline
So is dirt eternal, or what? I mean, where did all of this dirt come from…dirt attributed to that “Big Bang”, attributed to the creation of our world, to the creation of all humanity? And just how did we arrive at this place in time? By a total and utterly unbelievable amount of luck? I believe in an everlasting God. Where did God come from? I’m more interested in where all that dirt came from. I have a problem with science…and not just because it’s an establishment bent on dismembering my every principle…but because it’s an establishment unrelentingly unable to admit to the fact that something’s cannot be known…and as crazy as it may sound…we are extremely limited as to what we can empirically discover about ourselves and this universe; extremely limited all thanks to our five senses…thusly, we cannot know everything. Modern science is truly arrogant; lacking in the ability to admit just how indefinite scientific theory is.
Well, nothing much to say these days. It’s kind of a nice break to not have to think about anything. Although, my lack of cognition has produced some odd side effects, like restlessness…which means I need to find some serious occupational preoccupation…posthaste. Yup. Soooooo…the weather’s been pretty good as of late. Yeah, gotta love weather. I have to say, I definitely missed that sun…I mean the moon’s O.K. too, but it gets its own glory every autumn with that harvest moon and all…so I think it’s only fair that we acknowledge the sun during these summer months. Hmmm, yes, that'll do…probably the best thoughts I can muster for the time being.
"You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body."You know, if you sit still and rest quietly enough you not only hear your own heartbeat, you feel it too. It’s strange. Yet, if you really think about it, you should know the feeling your own heartbeat; your heart, after all, rests deep within the core of your torso. You’d feel anything else that deep, yet most of the time, you manage to somehow overlook your hearts’ sensations…with all of its beats going unnoticed, and to some degree, unappreciated. I mean, you never think twice about your heart’s subtle work, that is, until you experience something that causes your blood to race, and suddenly, its beats are all you can hear, its pulse all you can feel, and its ever active presence is unveiled. The times in which your heart pounds its hardest are the times in which you know its purpose the most; like when you’re near the one you love or fearing for your life (if there’s even a difference between the two). Whatever the case may be...for a brief instant, you know the feeling of your own heartbeat, and possibly, what it means to be a living being.
-C. S. Lewis
Oops. I should stop being so hasty with my affection. Even though I've found someone I feel I really connect with, I'll always have that rift of inexperience. It's too bad. I mean, you finally meet a girl you really like...something that's pure and unadulterated, like this untapped sensation you haven't felt since primary school...and you get ransacked with the reality that everybody's grown up around you. I have to face it, I'm very green. Some people are just really mature for their age, by which I mean, when it comes to having loads of past relationships...both weak and strong. I guess I never wanted something weak. I guess that's my problem. But I've always taken satisfaction in knowing that she's out there somewhere, and that she's been living her whole life just as I have: wondering where that one love is. Ya know? You know.
I think I need to change. There are so many things in my life that I need to work out…mainly my priorities. I’ve been struggling with my faith...not in losing it, just in understanding it and in coping with my neglect towards it. I want to know myself better, I want to know what I believe, and when I know, I want to be able to find someone to love, someone who believes the same. I guess those are the prospects I desire and the pressing issues at hand. But getting back to that whole priorities thing…I need some higher ones. Everything I dream of wanting for my life is deeply flawed in that I’m only focusing on what I want for my life…I’m only thinking of what is best for me. Shouldn’t I be helping others? I should be thinking of solutions for meeting the needs and dreams of others. I know a blog’s purpose is to document a person’s own wants and thoughts…but I’m sick of thinking about what I need. I’m not saying that I’m a terrible and selfish person, but if I continue to indulge in my own priorities over God’s, I’m definitely on my way to becoming one.
It’s been almost two years now since I left High School, I guess I’m missing a lot of people. It’s strange, usually when someone’s gone from your life you mourn and have a eulogy spoken at a small gathering in remembrance, after which, some dust is scattered and you reflect on what you would’ve said to that one person if they were still with you. But instead of this we have celebrations and ceremonies for entire graduating classes. I think it’s kinda sad.
"The passive master lent his hand, to the vast Soul which o'er him planned."It isn’t, however, like all of the people you know instantly “die off” after the grad rituals…it’s more like a slow burn that occurs after the fact, after school is over with completely. It’s more like your entire graduating class slowly departs, their existence (as you know it) gradually slipping away, never giving you that chance to say something that’s of worth. Some go sooner than others, and some hold on, they stay in touch for as along as possible and cling to their relationships like a person to life on their death bed. But I guess there’s nothing wrong with moving on…you have to…it’s like coping with loss through death. And it’s for this that I hate photos. Forgetting the little things is what makes moving on so doable. Gawking at a photograph only does what I don’t want to do: fixate on the dead.-Ralph Waldo Emerson's Gravestone
I think I was too awestruck to fall in love with this girl I just met the other night. And when I’m awestruck...I’m awkward...so unfortunately we didn’t really get to speak for as long as I would have wished. Initially, and with a hefty crowd between us, she was informally introduced to me from afar, yet I wasn't genuinely acquainted until I had met with the sound of her voice. Through her sweet rhythm of speech I heard what I can only begin to decipher as the essence of a beautiful human-being. A little melodramatic? Sure…in words and on paper, and by all sorts of love riddled adjectives…it is melodramatic. But melodrama shmelodrama! When it comes to love it’s not like you can have an original over exaggeration anyway, since every man at some point throughout history has felt this exact way towards some other woman, and not to mention the fact that this particular girl has probably had her share of guys romanced by her charm. All in all, nothing's new under the sun...and I'm just following the rules of attraction entirely by the numbers. But all that aside, my main point is: I can’t put into words how this girl’s beauty makes me feel…well I could, but I’d have to stoop to some mindless babbling about her fair hair and the sweetness her smile…which doesn’t rightfully convey how I feel…so I should stop typing.
Ho-hum. I'm bored, I'm lonely, I'm wishing I could do what I want with my life. And what's that exactly? Absolutely nothing and absolutely everything. I want to find a girl I love, settle down, and just exist. I'm in the wake of the beginning of my entire life and I'm already looking forward to retirement. I wonder what that says about me? I guess it could mean I lack ambition. And that may have some element of truth in it, yet at the same time, I'm weighed down by an overwhelming need to find some kind of purpose. Some days I want to make the biggest difference I can in the world and other days I'd prefer to just disappear from civilization completely. I guess for now my greatest motivation is attempting to find a solution to these contradictions.
Looking in all the wrong places,
Initially, just after the crash occurred, I began reflecting on, of all things, the probability of this happening to me. Next, the implications of fate ran through my mind, followed by thoughts of confusion surrounding how and why this event had occurred. And before I could even fathom the full extent of the situation I glanced out the train window to see the man, in his truck, his head barley moving. Suddenly, my mind switched gears…I was helpless to help him. I had failed to notice the grisly and crippled truck just outside my window, and even more unnoticed was the man himself, buried under a heap of metal. I don’t know, I’m usually pretty hard on myself with most things, and this awful scenario was no exception. An ambulance arrived in due time, and a helicopter took the driver to the hospital…yet I couldn’t help but think of what I should've done in aid for the man. Yet, limited by mere first aid training, I’m still riddled with a guilt grip of responsibility. But the truth was, I was too afraid to do a thing. I asked myself: “Do I really think I have the moral fibre to approach this truck, peer into its twisted insides, and hope of finding a human life to save?” No, I don’t have that fearlessness. I can wish all I want and convince myself that I knew what to do, but I was utterly self-doubting in that moment. I can’t even begin to deny what a huge responsibility it is to try and save a life. I affirmed (since this accident) that I will never shirk the importance of knowledge, that which can be used to save another's life, and for this, I will begin Emergency Medical Responder training this spring. Maybe then I can help as many people along the way as possible. But first I’ll need a reeeeal good police scanner."Try to learn something about everything and everything about something."
-Thomas H. Huxley
I mused over my own joke, while my friend glared, and I began to wonder: "How is it that a person can be so callous?" The cold eyes grew on me as though they yearned to brutally devour me in that single moment...and that's all it was really...a moment. Couldn't have been more than a few seconds. Yet, a moment is all it takes to break one's confidence and scorn a lonely heart. I reflected on the importance of taking two steps out of my stride to pay attention to every person...each one. And suddenly, as instantaneous as the thought proceeding, this notion crept up on my mind quicker than ever before: Only by my suffering would I awake to the shrill reality of the suffering of others. An abrupt guilt rushed over me. Who had I abandoned in the wake of my life? I was positive I'd done it many times, to many people, to people that needed someone! After a brief but tedious reflection I realized I couldn't be there for everyone, and that many would rather not be helped, feeling no help is sought. Yet still, I had to try to do something...or anything. I have a responsibility. And it was all seen so clearly in that single moment. I need to contact some people.
Today I was asked whether or not I would have any regrets if I died tonight...and I don't feel I would have any. I was pressed further and asked whether or not I would feel any disappointment towards the fact that I would not have had the chance to experience the great things of life such as love, contentment, and the fruits of growing old...and yet again, I don't feel I would have any regrets. If I am to die tonight, it is because I was never suppose to experience such things fully, therefore I would miss nothing, but instead, fulfill my purpose. "DEATH be not proud, though some have called thee
I think everyone's been contemplating their own mortality since the thousands died the 26th...well, at least most have been. Everyone dies. I was once told that every secular person, in their time of death, will struggle to accept the Darwinian approach to mortality. Believing we are destined for nothingness doesn't sit too well with the nearly departed. Because a prospect like that isn't only depressing...it's frightening. Who would truly believe in nothingness when they themselves are on their death-bed slipping into the dark? I mean, I'm sure
Mighty and dreadful, for, thou art not so...
...One short sleep past, we wake eternally,
And death shall be no more; death, thou shalt die."
-John Donne
Pensively Pensive,