Monday, January 24, 2005

A Matter of Seconds

I mused over my own joke, while my friend glared, and I began to wonder: "How is it that a person can be so callous?" The cold eyes grew on me as though they yearned to brutally devour me in that single moment...and that's all it was really...a moment. Couldn't have been more than a few seconds. Yet, a moment is all it takes to break one's confidence and scorn a lonely heart. I reflected on the importance of taking two steps out of my stride to pay attention to every person...each one. And suddenly, as instantaneous as the thought proceeding, this notion crept up on my mind quicker than ever before: Only by my suffering would I awake to the shrill reality of the suffering of others. An abrupt guilt rushed over me. Who had I abandoned in the wake of my life? I was positive I'd done it many times, to many people, to people that needed someone! After a brief but tedious reflection I realized I couldn't be there for everyone, and that many would rather not be helped, feeling no help is sought. Yet still, I had to try to do something...or anything. I have a responsibility. And it was all seen so clearly in that single moment. I need to contact some people.

Via Blog,


Anonymous said...

man brady your like the wisest person i know, and thats good. :).

ok anyways ,



Cinderashes said...

What are jokes? what are eyes?

BR80 said...

Good question Cinderashes. I was actually trying to be somewhat literal, the joke was a joke and their eyes were eyes. I was just recounting this really awkward situation I was in. But anyhoo, I noticed you really use metaphor nicely in your blog, I'm a fan!

Anonymous said...

your never on msn....:(


Cinderashes said...

Hey BR80, this mind of mine... In regards to your blogs, i have enjoyed them as you have an obvious talent of expression in your words, and you are a great thinker, however in respects to you i did not want to venture on any further because i feared that i could be invading your privacy. So i had stopped reading because i did not want to invade anything personal! However than im thinking, ok.. well he wouldn't have posted them if he didn't want them viewed, would he? So i still haven't read them all, but i wanted to ask what you about how you feel about this? Other than this siutation, do you know the one who calls herself cinderashes?