Friday, November 10, 2006

Disclosure II

Cont'd from Disclosure I:

Nationalité-origines: I've been a Canadian all my entire family has been here since the c.1600s...or possibly earlier on account of our "
métis" bloodline. Eventually, we mixed among other European decedents in the West.

I love the West. To me, The Rockies are one of the greatest creations on Earth...a creation that I am constantly humbled by...when I stand at the foot of their presence...I'm terrified and awestruck...the vastness and power that hails from them are life altering. And even greater still can be found further West...our Pacific Ocean shoreline...mountainous, green, refreshing, and me, it's an Ocean that inspires an eeriness likened only to the depths of's lonesome...massive...expansive...and freeing.

soeurs: Three older younger sister. I wouldn't want it any other way. I always planned on someday having a very large family of my's a happy prospect for sure...but it's really not my place to plan I suppose.

Religion: I've always looked to my parents when trying to find the right balance between being in the world...but not of it. They both policed during the 1970s for the most crime-ridden city (per capita) in Canada...and for that, I truly value their theological perspective.
They had to deal with some harsh reality...but they always did the right thing...always had compassion...and always helped whoever needed it most. My parents were committed to God...and there was no situation (no matter how gruesome or disturbing) that shook that...even to this day. They have been an unbelievable example to me...I find them remarkable...and I see their level of faith in Christ as something I aspire to.

Personally, I value the Orthodox Christian's love God with your your neighbor with all of the love you could possibly have for yourself...and do it all with the greatest of humility. Pretty simple rules...but more importantly...very powerful in practice.