Saturday, October 07, 2006

Drugs at Night

"Drugs...drugs...drugs...some are good...some are bad...get them from your Mom and Dad."...this was a drug awareness message I remember seeing on TV (à la the Canadian government) when I was young.'s true...some are bad. I'm on some right now...but they're good. They're sleeping pills...for sleeping. Actually, I should be asleep (I took one about 3hrs ago)...but instead, I'm pushing the defiance of all things non-nocturnal. I attempted to write something yesterday on a piece of paper whilst on a sleeping pill...but the next morning it just turned out to be a bunch of wacky scribbles. Anyway, I suppose I'm doing pretty good right now for writing...but we'll see what morning brings. Hmmm...currently, if I move about too much I feel just a tad dizzy/drowsy. Interestingly enough, one of the side effects of zopiclone (these particular sleeping pills) is "sleepiness". After taking that under advisement...I've decided that I deem the side effects of these pills unacceptable...I wouldn't want to risk falling asleep. It's amazing what info you can gather from

Another side effect I've discovered is "dryness of mouth"...vis-à ensuing bad taste right after you take the pill and the following morning. Sooo, I says to myself..."Self, I imagine doctors would not prescribe such a medication to an insomniac professional wine taster...that could have dire consequences." You see, wine tasters must rely on a "clean palate" before they taste their wines...this drug, however, does not allow for such a palate...rather, it taints one's taste buds quite profoundly. Hmm, interesting. This further leads one to question: Let's say a professional wine taster (we'll call him Sir. Maxwell X. Orwell) is nervous about an annual wine tasting competition in which he had done poorly the year previous...and of all people, Orwell lost to his nemesis - Phinius R. Rottinfeffer (a master of the wine arts). Orwell hasn't been sleeping all year in anticipation for this upcoming could he ever rely on a sleeping pill that distorts his finely tuned "palate"? What are his options? Clearly, Rottinfeffer has the advantage. Sorry Maxwell...looks like another annual wine tasting competition down the drain...that is - at least - until they discover how to create a half-decent sleeping pill void of any mouth altering side effects. Wow...I'm tired. Should I sleep? Perhaps...for now. But what's the point these days? Albeit, it would appear that I get both more and less done when I stay awake..."more", as in more procrastinating...and "less", as in less actual work completed. Oh well...on a side note...I really don't like wine...sooo, I have no qualms with these sleeping pills in particular.



Cinderashes said...

Your sleeping/drug entry took me back to the memory of that time when you drew me a comic of a guy, (supposedly you) that took 2-3 tynal 3s and had a dream in which you woke up in a ditch and a trucker came by to pick you up as you were hitch hiking, meanwhile in the truck while you two were delightfully conversing, the trucker randomly rips off his face... it was sort of gory... and than you scream, and the dream ends.... that was the comic.. anywho.... i was just pondering as you were drugging away....

PS... you remind me of Benton Fraser!

BR80 said...

Ah yes...I remember that ridiculous comic. I think that was my attempt at being funny. I apologize for any traumatizing effects you may have incurred due to that sketch. And thanks Loj...Benton Fraser is a hero of mine.

Tricia said...

I don't know why you would want to stay awake on those drugs when they are supposed to help you by making you sleep! I have insomnia here and there, nothing chronic, but I do have problems with my quality of sleep most nights. Well, here it is 5:00AM and I finally took drugs myself because I've been tangling up my sheets for the past four hours. Insomnia is a terrible curse. I hope you are sleeping right now over in your time zone. And I hope I'm about to be :)