Saturday, January 01, 2005

"Death be not proud"

Today I was asked whether or not I would have any regrets if I died tonight...and I don't feel I would have any. I was pressed further and asked whether or not I would feel any disappointment towards the fact that I would not have had the chance to experience the great things of life such as love, contentment, and the fruits of growing old...and yet again, I don't feel I would have any regrets. If I am to die tonight, it is because I was never suppose to experience such things fully, therefore I would miss nothing, but instead, fulfill my purpose.

"DEATH be not proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadful, for, thou art not so...

...One short sleep past, we wake eternally,
And death shall be no more; death, thou shalt die."

-John Donne
I think everyone's been contemplating their own mortality since the thousands died the 26th...well, at least most have been. Everyone dies. I was once told that every secular person, in their time of death, will struggle to accept the Darwinian approach to mortality. Believing we are destined for nothingness doesn't sit too well with the nearly departed. Because a prospect like that isn't only's frightening. Who would truly believe in nothingness when they themselves are on their death-bed slipping into the dark? I mean, I'm sure Darwin had some regrets when he was dieing...who wouldn't when you believe you're merely worm food, destined for nothing more than a burial. People lose their lives every day, and sometimes thousands die in a single moment, so it is for this reason that we must put a face to every number to maintain the sanctity of human life, not simply for the reason that every person is an evolved creature, but because every human being is blessed with a soul and a purpose, whether in life or death, beyond all comprehension.

Pensively Pensive,



Anonymous said...

you know what gavril, i have been still mulling over my mortailty ever second it seems and im not afraid anymore just still a little regretful but you put some really interesting thoughts into my head which have grown to more thoughts on an unending cycle, i tried caling you i dont know if you got the message but yes. have a good nite ,


BR80 said...

I'm pleased that I contributed to your mulling Fran! I just hope that in all of your thinking about mortality you give yourself the chance to sleep. But I guess thoughts like these will bring sleeplessness. Sorry Fran, I never got your message. Sadly, people in my house don’t believe in “The Phone”.

z. said...

Those quotes from Donne - he wrote those poems on his death bed. Words from one who had experienced so much life already, as well as being v religious...

However in your profile you're 19??!!

Yet you said you will have no regrets. If you really do mean that, I am amazed. Totally.

BR80 said...

I liked your comment z. I’m very “religious”, which is a way of saying I believe in Christ, and I’m not sure if that labels me a Christian, but it definitely changes my whole perspective on life and death. I guess the thing that eases me the most is the thought that maybe I have a purpose, predestined to the point where I’m not losing anything by dieing, but rather fulfilling something. On a happier note, I really enjoy your writing and art z.!

z. said...

Hmmm...have you tried going through the book of Philippians? In chapter 3, Paul is shown struggling through the decision of whether to continue living or to face death. As a Christian, he didn't fear death. However, he figured that "whatever was to my profit now consider loss for the sake of Christ".

Sure, going to Heaven will be great. But once we leave earth, we cannot help spread God's word and do his biddings as a human.

Btw, your comments about my blog are greatly appreciated. Thanks. =)