Sunday, May 22, 2005

Devoid of Explanation

So is dirt eternal, or what? I mean, where did all of this dirt come fromdirt attributed to that “Big Bang”, attributed to the creation of our world, to the creation of all humanity? And just how did we arrive at this place in time? By a total and utterly unbelievable amount of luck? I believe in an everlasting God. Where did God come from? I’m more interested in where all that dirt came from. I have a problem with science…and not just because it’s an establishment bent on dismembering my every principle…but because it’s an establishment unrelentingly unable to admit to the fact that something’s cannot be known…and as crazy as it may sound…we are extremely limited as to what we can empirically discover about ourselves and this universe; extremely limited all thanks to our five senses…thusly, we cannot know everything. Modern science is truly arrogant; lacking in the ability to admit just how indefinite scientific theory is.


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